High End Korean Products

The Bridge to Quality
Korean Products


We are a leader distribution and importation of Korean Products.

Online Store

A pioneer in online shopping using state of the art platforms.


Our flagship Korean Grocery store Family Mart is the epitome of excellence.


Our catering division provides more than 50 companies in Dubai food services and meal packs.


Our flagship restaurant Rolling Bubble has a capacity of 50 tables and is open daily provided top quality korean cuisine.

Founded in 2015, Al Shams Al Safra General Trading is the leading distributor for quality korean brands.

About Us

Our Team

We pride ourselves in moulding the most competitive team in the world. Our global staff helps us soar to become one of the top companies in the UAE.


Providing the best Value to our clients.


Our Mission is to be the best value retailer in the MENA region. Our growth speaks for itself, we have scaled in the distribution business faster than anyone in our industry.

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